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What are the benefits of receiving R&D tax credits?

A successful R&D claim has the potential to elevate your business by providing a financial boost and competitive edge over others. Here is what else you could achieve with an R&D claim:

  • Tax credits or deductions – You pay less tax meaning you have a pot of funds to use to reinvest into your project, whether that’s to make more hires, drive your marketing strategy, or invest in new equipment
  • Offset costs – Successful R&D claims may allow businesses to recover a portion of their qualifying R&D expenses. This helps offset the costs incurred during the research and development activities.
  • Attract investment opportunities – A successful R&D is well regarded by prospective investors; it’s proof you’re doing something brand new and you’re dedicated to research and development. Your R&D claim could complement an investment grant, helping you to support the acceleration of your project.
  • Obtain a competitive advantage – Stand out amongst other competitors with a successful R&D claim. Customers value accreditations and seeing you’ve been granted R&D tax credits could help create sales and spark interest in your project.

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R&D tax credits

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