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R&D Tax Credits and AI Innovation

11 July 2024

R&D Tax Credits and AI Innovation - Alexander Clifford

Explore the benefits of R&D tax credits and how they can enhance the world of AI innovation.

With AI becoming more integrated in our everyday lives, the demand for its development has never been greater. This demand allows for revolutionary enhancements that seek to challenge the Turing test while significantly improving the way in which a variety of industries approach day-to-day tasks.

But with every development, there arises a different opportunity. One that allows companies to offset development costs, while continuing to capture the world with their innovative progress. This astounding opportunity is known to the world as an R&D tax credit scheme. 

And so let us take a deep dive into the world of AI development and how it can be impacted by R&D tax credits.

The Growing Importance of AI

AI technologies are quickly becoming a cornerstone for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge – and with AI poised to redefine industry integration, streamline operations and enhance decision making processes, the future implications are vast.

It’s clear that the successful integration of AI depends on meticulous planning, informed decision making, and a keen awareness of opportunities and challenges. However, when used correctly, the impact of AI is set to carry various industries to new heights.

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    The Industry Impact of AI Innovation

    When exploring the AI innovation landscape, revolutionary technologies like generative AI (artificial intelligence), and AGI (artificial generated intelligence) are transforming various industries. These progressive systems are being used to revolutionise a variety of sectors – such as health, finance and even commerce – allowing for advantageous advancements to play a significant role on market impact.

    That’s right, AI capabilities are disrupting markets, driving businesses to push boundaries and adopt new strategies that allow them to remain competitive.

    While the competitive landscape that AI is producing, it isn’t without its difficulties. With development being so vast and over a short period of time, there are a range of challenges that AI progression faces, some of them being:

    • Data privacy and security: protecting sensitive data and combating breaches in the AI system
    • Maintaining non-biased: the challenge to stay impartial despite the fact that AI systems are typically trained by behaviour
    • Employment and workforce displacement: building systems to work in harmony with employees, as opposed to replacing them

    Considering the scale of these challenges and the fact that HMRC’s definition of R&D is that it is a project that aims to technologically or scientifically solve an uncertainty that is not easily solved by experts, the scope of qualifying R&D activities remains significantly wide in AI.

    To be eligible for R&D tax credits in AI, businesses need to prove how their AI projects tackle specific tech problems or uncertainties. As AI becomes more common in various industries, companies can find new AI areas that might qualify for these tax incentives.

    The Power of Generative AI

    Generative AI is one of the greatest examples of research and development within AI at work. Not only does it offer an entertainment aspect on a commercial level, but its creation of sophisticated and adaptive algorithms make it perfect for innovative businesses in all kinds of industries.

    The following are a range of key areas that generative AI aids in business innovation, allowing them to stay competitive in their sector:

    1. Content development: automated imagery, music etc.
    2. Product prototypes: branded product design concepts
    3. Customer support: chatbots and virtual assistants that liaise with customers/clients
    4. Data analysis & insights: uncovering pattern trends to provide insight
    5. Personalisation: tailor products, services and marketing efforts

    Understanding these capabilities is vital for those looking to align with market trends, as they set the standard for how businesses must adapt. Meanwhile their development is continually underway, given the increasing use – primarily by SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) looking to outsource aspects of their business at a reduced cost.

    Given the already prominent existence of generative AI, the question remains as to what comes next. 

    Generative AI: What Comes Next?

    With the fact that there is constant development on generative AI, there is a lot of room for progression and improvement. At present, the biggest aim is to expand and perfect the current capabilities, allowing businesses to further integrate the technologies. 

    In order to see what comes next, we asked ChatGPT what they believe generative AI will introduce for businesses in the next five years. Here are the capabilities they listed for us: 

    • Advanced human/AI integration: building a fluid collaboration between users and AI technologies
    • Hyper personalisation & autonomous agents: expanding personalisation capabilities and developing agents that manage complex tasks
    • Generative design & simulation: efficiently advancing design capabilities that feature structures, materials and even systems

    While they all build on pre-existing generative AI capabilities, the research and development that goes into establishing these advancements may still qualify for R&D tax credits. 

    How AI Development Companies Can Benefit From R&D Tax Credits

    When it comes to AI and research and development, the opportunities to benefit from R&D tax credits are extensive. This is because this growing technology is filled with so much room to grow, allowing it to become instrumental across a variety of sectors. 

    Whether these advancements are under the aforementioned generative AI or they are created to integrate AI with other technologies, each development makes a significant impact that may align with HMRC’s definition of R&D. 

    So how can R&D tax credits benefit the research and development advancements in AI technologies? Well the fact that these tax credits produce financial relief while limiting tax liabilities, allow companies to further invest in innovative AI growth without feeling the strain of a financial burden that is commonly associated with such projects. 

    Furthermore, they allow businesses to position themselves as competitive leaders in a global market, by offering new highly sought after innovative concepts. 

    R&D Tax Credit Eligibility

    As R&D tax credits are a government backed financial incentive for innovative advancements, it is important to follow the HMRC’s guidelines in regards to the research and development project. They state that in order to qualify, you must be able to explain how your project does the following: 

    • Looks for an advance in your field
    • Had to overcome the scientific or technological uncertainty
    • Tried to overcome the scientific or technological uncertainty
    • Could not be easily worked out by a professional in your field

    Now this is not to say that your project has to focus on developing something entirely new. You see, with AI, there are a lot of services that could be considered similar, and the idea of research and development within the area is to expand capabilities in order to better user experience and compliance with regulations.

    This means that taking an existing software and using research and development to technically overcome a major issue that couldn’t otherwise be solved, qualifies as R&D according to HMRC.

    AI R&D Eligibility Misconceptions

    As with most things in the modern world, there are many misconceptions when it comes to AI R&D tax credit eligibility. So in order to provide the most accurate information, we’ve compiled some of the most common rumours about eligibility in order to fact check them.

    Rumour Fact
    Only large companies qualify for R&D tax credits The R&D tax credit initiative was initially developed in order to provide SMEs with financial support for their innovative projects
    R&D must result in finished product Regardless of success or failure, a project that seeks to scientifically or technologically advance the industry, qualifies as R&D under the HMRC’s definition and is therefore eligible for R&D tax credits
    Only new innovations qualify for R&D tax credits AI in itself is an existing technology, but research and development made to improve its capabilities and expand across various industries counts as R&D, meaning existing innovations can qualify depending on the scope of the research and development to make a significant change that solves a unique problem thus making an advancement
    R&D activities must be conducted in a laboratory AI research and development can take place in a variety of environments with a range of personnel. Considering the fact that developments in this technology requires data science as opposed to lab-based scientific exploration, a lab is not necessary to AI R&D

    Understanding the truth behind these misconceptions is an integral aspect to making a successful claim, simply because they will help you to further understand the eligibility of your research and development activities. This is why we recommend that you keep up to date with R&D tax specialist social media content, so that you can understand the facts about R&D eligibility.

    Qualifying R&D Costs

    In a generous move from the HMRC, the list of qualifying R&D costs is considerably long, allowing businesses to greatly benefit from making a claim. To narrow this down a little, the following are qualifying R&D costs for AI businesses: 

    • Direct R&D staff costs
    • Externally provided R&D staff
    • Consumable items (hardware, fraction of utilities)
    • Software used in R&D
    • Collaborative research

    R&D tax credits also cover prototype development, but there’s a caveat. When the prototype is being developed to test the research and development, it will qualify as an R&D cost. But if the prototype is also developed with the intent to sell it, then the prototype does not qualify. 

    This is why producing clear documentation is detrimental to your research and development tax credit claim.

    Documenting R&D Activities

    Every research and development project has its complexities – especially when looking to comply with the aforementioned R&D eligibility. So we recommend that every business undergoing research and development activities should take steps to extensively track projects, with an emphasis on detailing the uncertainties that the projects seek to overcome. 

    A full research and development tax credit claim should include the following documents:

    1. Overall project descriptions
    2. Detailed financial records
    3. Progressive technical reports
    4. Relevant supporting documentation

    This may seem like a lot to keep track of alongside actually carrying out the research and development project, which is why we recommend a few key steps in order to maximise your R&D tax credit claim. 

    Maximising R&D Tax Credit Claims

    Given the amount of documentation required to make a solid R&D tax credit claim, it can be easy to forget some of the aspects of research and development activities that may maximise your claim, resulting in greater benefits.

    In order to avoid making these easy mistakes and to maximise your research and development tax credit claim, we recommend that you:

    • Assess all research and development activities
    • Collect financial records as the project progresses
    • Analyse all research and development expenditure
    • Consult with an R&D tax credit specialist

    Not only will these steps help you to maximise your claim and include any expenditures you may have previously overlooked, but they will also prevent you from making common mistakes with your claim. 

    When analysing all of the research and development expenditure, we recommend using an R&D tax credit calculator. This will allow you to understand how much your overall claim may be worth.

    Case Studies: Success Stories in the AI Industry

    Due to the broad scope of AI and R&D tax credits, there are many success stories, but we wanted to focus on one of our own. 

    In this case study, our client noticed that there was a lack of development on AI-based recommendation engines – specifically in the area of searching Islamic content based on searching words and letters in the Arabic language. Their goal became to create an educational experience, which required building an algorithm that would recognise audio, text and visuals in order to filter out hateful and controversial content. 

    In order to achieve this, the client’s team had to work with a variety of SDKs (software development kits) and APIs (application programming interfaces).

    Considering the extensive research and development that this project required, our experts at Alexander Clifford knew that they would qualify for R&d tax credits. So we worked closely with them to compile the necessary documentation and build a claim that ultimately saw the client receive £22,082 in R&D tax credits!

    To summarise, in order to continue its growth, AI technology requires consistent research and development. Its global, industry wide impact sees a wide scope of opportunities yet to be discovered, many of which will have the kind of technological advancement that HMRC are looking to aid with the R&D tax credit initiative. 

    Furthermore, when you’re preparing to make your claim, it’s important to remember this one thing – HMRC recommends that you work with an R&D tax credit specialist.

    By working with an R&D tax specialist, you’ll receive expert guidance throughout the claims process – and when you work with Alexander Clifford, our experts will help you to compile and submit a thorough R&D tax credit claim. Begin your claims process today by filling out the following contact form.

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      R&D tax credits

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